Unit 1: Augmented Assignment Operators

Table of Contents

  1. Augmented Assignment Operators

Augmented Assignment Operators

A lot of times in programming you’ll need to update a value relative to itself. For instance, when you’re playing a video game and you collect a coin, your score might go up by 5 points relative to what it was before.

In Java, that would look like this (assume a variable score has already been delcared and initialized):

score = score + 5;

Augmented assignment operators allow us to do that with less typing:

score += 5;

There are augmented assignment operators for each of the arithmetic operators. In the table below, assume var is a variable that has been declared and initialized.

Augmented Assignment Operator Normal Augmented Assignment
+= var = var + 5 var += 5
-= var = var - 5 var -= 5
*= var = var * 5 var *= 5
/= var = var / 5 var /= 5
%= var = var % 5 var %= 5