Unit 4: Practice

Table of Contents

  1. Note on all problems
  2. Practice
    1. Grades
    2. Linear Search
    3. Max
    4. Prime Number
    5. Sum Row
  3. Challenges
    1. Digit Sum
    2. Find Closest Pair
    3. Matrix Multiplication
    4. Merge
    5. Selection Sort

Note on all problems

If you can write JavaDoc comments, do so for all of the methods you write!





if statement

Create a class called Grades which contains your solution code.

Create a method called printGrade which takes the test score of a student and prints the letter grade. It does not return anything. Call printGrade in the main method with 3 different scores.

Create another method called getGrade which takes the test score of a student and returns the grade, a char. Print the result of calling printGrade in the main method with 3 different scores.

Template Code

public class Grades {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    // write methods here




for loops


Create a class called LinearSearch which contains your solution code.

Create a method called search (method signature is given in template code) that returns the index of the item in the list if the key matches it and -1 otherwise. Call the method to test it in the main method. (Print the value that is returned.)

Example Input

Array: { 5, 1, 2, 4, 3 } Key: 3

Example Output


Template Code

public class LinearSearch {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    public static int search(int[] list, int key) {
        // write your code here




if statements


Create a class called Max which contains your solution code.

Create a method called max which has 2 parameters, which are numbers (both double). Return the maximum of those 2 numbers. Call the method in the main method and print the result of calling it on 3 sets of 2 numbers.

Template Code

public class Max {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    // write your method here


Prime Number


if statements



Create a class called PrimeNumber which contains your solution code.

Create a method called isPrime that returns true if the number (int) given as an argument is prime and false otherwise. Call it in the main method and print the result of that call.

Template Code

public class PrimeNumber {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    // write your method here


Sum Row


for loops


Create a class called SumRow which contains your solution code.

Given a 2D array of integers, print the sum of each row. Note: The subarrays are not necessarily of equal length. To do this, create a method called sumRow (see template code for the method signature). Test sumRow by calling it in the main method. You should use a loop to iterate through each array in a 2D array and call sumRow on the current inner array.

Example Input Array:

int[][] numbers = {
    { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
    { 1, 2, 3, 4 },
    { 1, 2, 3 },
    { 1, 2 },
    { 1 },

Example Output

Sum of row 0: 15
Sum of row 1: 10
Sum of row 2: 6
Sum of row 3: 3
Sum of row 4: 1

Template Code

public class SumRow {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    public static int sumRow(int[][] list, int rowIndex) {
        // write your code here



Digit Sum


while loops


arithmetic operators


Create a class called DigitSum which contains your solution code.

Write a method called sumDigits that computes the sum of the digits in a positive integer. The method header is in the template code below.

The main method will repeatedly ask for a number, call sumDigits with that number, and print the result, until the user enters -1.

Example Output

Enter a positive integer, or -1 to quit: 12345 [Enter ↩]
Total of the sum of the digits in the number: 15
Enter a positive integer, or -1 to quit: 1000 [Enter ↩]
Total of the sum of the digits in the number: 1
Enter a positive integer, or -1 to quit: 0 [Enter ↩]
Total of the sum of the digits in the number: 0
Enter a positive integer, or -1 to quit: 34 [Enter ↩]
Total of the sum of the digits in the number: 7
Enter a positive integer, or -1 to quit: -1 [Enter ↩]

Template Code

public class DigitSum {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    public static int sumDigits(long n) {
        // write your code here


Find Closest Pair

2D arrays


for loops

nested loops

Math class

Create a class called FindClosestPair which contains your solution code.

Given a 2D double array of (x, y) coordinates, find the closest pair of points. Print the coordinates of that pair and the distance between them.

Hint: Create multiple methods to break the problem into parts.

  • distance - returns the distance between 2 points
  • findClosestPair - returns a 2D double array containing the 2 closest points
  • printPair - prints the 2 closest points and the distance between them in a readable way

See the template code below for method signatures.

Example Input

double[][] coordinates = {
    { -1, 3 },
    { -1, -1 },
    { 1, 1 },
    { 2, 0.5 },
    { 2, -1 },
    { 3, 3 },
    { 4, 2 },
    { 4, -0.5 },

Example Output

The closest pair is:
(1.000000, 1.000000) and (2.000000, 0.500000)
The distance between those points is 1.118033988749895

Template Code

public class FindClosestPair {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    /** Returns the distance between 2 points */
    public static double distance(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) {
        // write your code here

    /** Returns a 2D double array containing the 2 closest points */
    public static double[][] findClosestPair(double[][] coordinates) {
        // write your code here

     * Prints the 2 closest points and
     * the distance between them in a readable way
    public static void printPair(double[][] pair) {
        // write your code here


Matrix Multiplication

2D arrays


arithmetic operators


Create a class called MatrixMult which asks the user to enter values for 2 matrices A, B and then multiplies them (if possible).

If AB exists, the program displays the product matrix C. If AB doesn’t exist, an error message is displayed.

You can read more about matrix multiplication here.

Hint: Break the problem into multiple methods.

  • multiplyMatrix - returns a 2D array which is the result of multiplying 2 matrices
  • getMatrix - returns a 2D array which represents a matrix from user input

See the template code below for method signatures.

Example Output

Matrix A
Enter number of rows: 3 [Enter ↩]
Enter number of columns: 2 [Enter ↩]
Enter row 1: 1 2 [Enter ↩]
Enter row 2: 3 4 [Enter ↩]
Enter row 3: 5 6 [Enter ↩]

Matrix B
Enter number of rows: 2 [Enter ↩]
Enter number of columns: 2 [Enter ↩]
Enter row 1: 7 8 [Enter ↩]
Enter row 2: 9 10 [Enter ↩]

Matrix C is
25.0 28.0
57.0 64.0
89.0 100.0

Template Code

public class MatrixMult {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

     * Returns a 2D array which is the
     * result of multiplying 2 matrices
    public static double[][] multiplyMatrix(double[][] a, double[][] b) {
        // write your code here

     * Returns a 2D array which represents
     * a matrix from user input
    public static double[][] getMatrix() {
        // write your code here






if statements


Create a class called Merge which asks the user to enter 2 lists of integers ordered from least to greatest, then prints each list and a merged list (with duplicates).

Create 3 methods:

  • merge - Merges 2 arrays of integers that are sorted in ascending order
  • getArray - Prompts user to enter elements of an array of integers
  • printArray - Prints the array like so: [ 1 2 3 4 5 … n ]

See the template code below for method signatures.

You might find this animation to be helpful when figuring out how to merge the arrays.

Example Output

Enter size of list: 4 [Enter ↩]
Enter items in list: 1 3 6 10 [Enter ↩]
Enter size of list: 3 [Enter ↩]
Enter items in list: 2 4 7 [Enter ↩]
list1 is [ 1 3 6 10 ]
list2 is [ 2 4 7 ]
The merged list is [ 1 2 3 4 6 7 10 ]

Template Code

public class Merge {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

     * Merges 2 arrays of integers
     * that are sorted in ascending order
    public static int[] merge(int[] list1, int[] list2) {
        // write your code here

     * Prompts user to enter elements
     * of an array of integers
    public static int[] getArray() {
        // write your code here

     * Prints the array like so:
     * [ 1 2 3 4 5 ... n ]
    public static void printArray(int[] arr) {
        // write your code here


Selection Sort



for loop

nested loop

if statement

Create a class called SelectionSort which contains your solution code.

Create a method called sort which sorts an array of integers using the Selection Sort algorithm.

In the main method, call the sort method on an unsorted array of integers. Print the unsorted array and then the sorted array.

Example Output

5 23 -25 0 -14 100 34
-25 -14 0 5 23 34 100

Template Code

public class SelectionSort {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // write your code here

    /** Sorts an array using Selection Sort */
    public static void sort(int[] list) {
        // write your code here
