Unit 7 Practice: Command Line Solution

  1. Change directories into the learn-code-unit-7 repo you downloaded/cloned. From now on, we will refer to this as the root directory, or simply root.
    $ cd path/to/repo/learn-code-unit-7
  2. Remove the Readme file.
    $ rm README.md
  3. Create a file called hello.txt.
    $ touch hello.txt
  4. Add the following line to hello.txt (without quotes): “world”
    $ echo "world" > hello.txt
  5. Print the contents of hello.txt.
    $ cat hello.txt
  6. Change directories into src/com/omegarobotics.
    $ cd src/com/omegarobotics
    # alternative solution
    $ cd src
    $ cd com
    $ cd omegarobotics
  7. List all of the files in this directory.
    $ ls
    books.txt   opmode.txt  songs.txt   tvshows.txt
  8. Go back up one directory.
    $ cd ..
  9. Print the directory you’re in.
    $ pwd
  10. Create a new directory called practice.
    $ mkdir practice
  11. Change into the practice directory.
    $ cd practice
  12. Create a file called name.txt.
    $ touch name.txt
  13. Add the following line to name.txt (without quotes): “Jane Doe”
    $ echo "Jane Doe" > name.txt
  14. Go back up one directory.
    $ cd ..
  15. Print the directory you’re in.
    $ pwd
  16. Remove the com directory.
    $ rm -r com

Note: You should not use rmdir because it won’t work. Remember that rmdir is only to remove empty directories, while rm -r is for nonempty directories.